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1800 Chapel Avenue W. Suite 128,
Cherry Hill, Nj 08002
Phone: (856) 665-2121
Email: ron@taxesq.com



Tax Attorney &
Estate Planning Lawyer


Retirement Plans can be a great method of tax-advantaged savings!

Solo 401(k) Plan.  If your business is essentially a one-person operation, there's a relatively new option to help you save more money for retirement: The Solo 401(k) plan.

Financial Aid for College Education. Fortunately, there are many ways to save and pay for college. Unfortunately, the myriad of options can be confusing and even overwhelming to understand. Which plan is best for your child or grandchild? It depends on a variety of factors including the age of the child, the college selected and the family's assets.

Using a Trust as an IRA Beneficiary. When setting up an IRA, account holders are asked who they want to name as a beneficiary. The first thought is usually a relative or a friend, but there are some circumstances when it might be better to name a trust.

Nevertire. Many people are planning to  continue working as long as the can and do not plan on retiring.